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McDonalds Free Coffee This Week

September 28th, 2006 at 02:46 am

Today I actually took advantage of something that was free. And it was something that I Love Coffee. Mcdonald's is having a free cup of coffee week.
So I had one today by doing this I saved $2.00 that would have went to Dunkin Donuts (Mummm I Love that coffee to!) I have decided that all the money I save from coupons and return bottles and such will go into my ING acct. That money is for paying off debt Only!

Amt toward debt $2.00.

It's a start!

To all Have a great day!

My Goals

September 26th, 2006 at 11:49 pm

Hello there and welcome to my blog, My name is Annette but my co workers call me Cheap Cheetah and I love that name.
My goals are simple to Visit Alaska with my mate.
To Pay off my debt which is $175,000.00. This debt is because I purchased a house last year and I have two morages on it. So I am struggling a bit.(Oh Heck A Lot) Thank god for my mate who I live with. He helps me out alot.We are working on the house so that we can rent it by 2007.
Also I would like to leave my City Job in 3-5 years (God Willing) so that I can open my own bookstore, and to have freedom to travel with my mate doing Flea Markets in other states.
I know this will be a challenge but it's one that is very worth it to me and this is my adventure.

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